who are we

Best Chicken ideas & traditions from the whole India

Hong Kong Chinese Fast Food  is India’s leading online fast food  portal accepting orders by website and deliver it

It was launched by Mr. ……………. in the year 2013 in city Jamshedour in Jharkhnad 

We are specialized in chicken lollipop, Egg Roll, Chicken Chilli, Noodals, 


World’s best Chef
and Nutritionist!

Fastest delivery on
your door step

A new look on
the right food!

The use of natural
best quality products


Behind the taste

Sofia Richie Sofia Richie
Sofia Richie

Chief chef

Harvey Dent Harvey Dent
Harvey Dent

Chief chef

Emilia Clarke Emilia Clarke
Emilia Clarke

Chief chef

Sam Claflin Sam Claflin
Sam Claflin

Chief chef

Certified By Food Safety and Standards Authority of India


Clients review

Everyrhing was great, especially the noodles! It really worths the money.

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which